Chris Warnes - Part 2: How to Dominate your SLEEP for Leaders
Episode #020 Host: Tammy J. Bond Guest: Chris Warnes
Lead in all areas of your life, not just in the office. To be a productive, effective leader, you need to be strong, healthy, decisive, and disciplined. Getting enough sleep is the foundation for all of these things. In today’s episode of Playing in the Sandbox, I meet with Chris Warnes (C.W.) to talk about how revolutionizing his sleep habits has helped him build his success.
Here are some topics C.W. shares to give us a deeper understanding of sleep:
- Getting enough sleep is the key to being able to do lots of quality work over a long period of time.
- Reading Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson revolutionized his sleep habits.
- If you’re struggling with your physical health and performance, you might need more sleep.
- To be a true leader, you have to lead in all areas of your life. This includes your family, health, etc.
- Setting up a routine is incredibly important for leaders to focus, be productive, and recharge. Schedule your sleep just like you schedule your work time.
Leadership Sandbox Podcast is brought to you by Tammy J. Bond
In today's swift-moving employee market leaders are far too often putting people that are technically good at their jobs into leadership positions, without first developing them on how to be leaders of people.
How do you course correct, or better yet make sure you don’t make that common mistake? Develop your people to lead others from the moment they join your team. For more tools on how to develop others around you, contact us today. We'd love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify.