Leadership Teaching Moments in 2023
Episode #031 Host: Tammy J. Bond
Leaders, we have had so many learning moments on this podcast throughout 2023. For this episode, we’re looking back over the year to celebrate our wins and leave behind the things that no longer serve us.
- The best leaders use the “Power of Regret” to move forward and make big changes. Instead of wallowing in it or pushing it away, confronting regrets can help leaders take action. (Thanks, Dan Pink!)
- If you’re ready to see change but don’t feel like it’s happening, look at what you’re tolerating in your life. Ask yourself - why aren’t you willing to address these things head-on?
- As leaders, we often have high expectations of ourselves and others. But perfection can never be the goal because it’s unattainable - instead, learn how to measure your improvement and celebrate your successes!
- Setting expectations is important, but we must prioritize our people over process. Involving team members in the process will help them buy-in and be more accountable, too!
- “Active Listening” is so much more than just smiling and nodding while team members talk. As a leader, you must stay focused and engaged - DON’T get distracted by your thoughts and reactions.
Leadership Sandbox Podcast is brought to you by Tammy J. Bond
In today's swift-moving employee market leaders are far too often putting people that are technically good at their jobs into leadership positions, without first developing them on how to be leaders of people.
How do you course correct, or better yet make sure you don’t make that common mistake? Develop your people to lead others from the moment they join your team. For more tools on how to develop others around you, contact us today. We'd love for you to join us for our next episodes by tuning in on Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or Spotify.