What's Better Than Leading By Example? THIS!

Having spent years traversing the corporate ladder – from the trenches of frontline management to the strategic heights of the executive suite – I used to believe "leading by example" was the gospel truth of leadership. It seemed simple enough: demonstrate the behaviors you expect, roll up your sleeves and get dirty alongside your team, and success would naturally follow. But experience, that wise and often brutal teacher, reveals a more nuanced truth. Leading by example is a powerful tool, but it's just one tool in the leadership toolbox. Used alone, it can be a blunt instrument, leaving both you and your team frustrated.

The allure of leading by example is undeniable. It feels authentic, a way to inspire your team through action rather than empty words. Seeing their leader shoulder to shoulder with them, tackling challenges head-on, can ignite a fire of dedication and commitment. A frontline manager who jumps in to help during a rush can boost morale and demonstrate a genuine understanding of the team's struggles. A middle manager who participates in brainstorming sessions injects fresh perspectives and fosters a collaborative environment. An executive leader who visits client sites and connects with the frontline reinforces the importance of every role in the company's success.

However, the limitations of leading by example become apparent when we consider the realities of leadership at different levels. A frontline manager who spends all their time tackling tasks instead of coaching and developing their team may be lauded for their work ethic but neglect their crucial leadership responsibilities. A middle manager who micromanages projects by constantly diving in may stifle employee initiative and growth. An executive leader who gets bogged down in operational details risks losing sight of the big picture and strategic direction.

Here's where the true power of leadership lies: in understanding the specific needs and challenges faced at each level, and adapting your leadership style accordingly. Here's a breakdown of how leading by example can be maximized at different stages of your leadership journey:

Frontline Manager: At this crucial first step, leading by example is invaluable. Demonstrate the work ethic, skills, and problem-solving abilities you expect from your team. Be present, approachable, and willing to lend a hand when needed.However, don't fall into the trap of becoming a glorified team member. Dedicate time to coaching and development, providing constructive feedback, and empowering your team members to take ownership.

Middle Manager: Your role becomes more about delegation and fostering collaboration. Lead by example by setting clear goals and expectations, by holding yourself accountable for results, and by celebrating team successes. But don't micromanage. Encourage your frontline managers to lead their teams, providing them with the resources and support they need.

Executive Leader: Your focus shifts to strategy, vision, and communication. Lead by example by articulating a clear vision for the company's future, by fostering a culture of innovation and risk-taking, and by demonstrating integrity and ethical behavior in all your actions. Empower your middle managers to lead their teams, and delegate tasks effectively.

Beyond the Levels:

Here are some additional points to consider when wielding the tool of leading by example:

  • Authenticity is Key: Don't force behaviors that feel unnatural. Authenticity builds trust and credibility.
  • Focus on the "Why": Explain the rationale behind your actions. This helps your team understand the bigger picture and follow suit.
  • Recognize Others: While leading by example is important, don't forget to recognize and celebrate the contributions of others.
  • Balance is Essential: Find the balance between leading by example and delegating tasks.
  • Adapt to the Situation: Different situations call for different approaches. Be flexible and adjust your leadership style accordingly.

Leading by example remains a cornerstone of effective leadership. It's a way to connect with your team, build trust, and inspire them to strive for excellence. However, by understanding its limitations and the specific needs of your team and organization, you can use it effectively in conjunction with other leadership styles to create a truly thriving work environment. Remember, the most effective leaders are chameleons, adapting their leadership style to the situation and needs of their followers. 

